My baby is now a little boy. We have two teeth! He got his first toothbrush from cousin Emanuell for Easter and he was so excited he pushed up two bottom teeth!
Here's Mr. Levi posing for his Easter pictures! He is 5 months old now and getting bigger everyday. He is starting to sit by himself now, and almost every time we lay him on his back on the floor he rolls over onto his tummy, but even though he does pushups he can't figure out how to roll from his tummy to his back and gets very upset if you don't come to his rescue. Sleeping is still a big issue with him and I am looking over some other ways to get him to sleep because he still sleeps like a newborn and I am sooooo exhausted!
Grandma and Grandpa Weber are coming to see us for a long weekend over Easter and we are really looking forward to seeing them this week!
I'm 29 and married to an amazingly wonderful man. We are proud to welcome our first-born son, Levi! We like living in sunny Nevada, but Nebraska will always be "home." I am a Research Associate in the field of
Child Development/Human Relations/Family Economics and Domicile Hygiene (otherwise known as "mom.")
Feel free to email me to comment on my blog. :)