We've been having some fun and been away from home quite a bit this month. We just got back from San Diego where Aaron ran his marathon (26.2 miles!) and he did soooooo awesome. We were so proud of him and he even finished a half hour BEFORE I expected him to cross the finish line. He never even walked! I am still amazed at how hard he worked and how fun it was for him.
While we were in San Diego we got to stay with cousin Tara and have a little fun at the beach and seeing her helicopters and the flight simulator at Camp Pendleton.
A week before we went to California we took the long Memorial Weekend and went camping but it was cold and rained almost the whole time, so we didnt get much for pictures then.
Here's the family after Aaron's big finish from the marathon. Our shirts say "Team Lanka":
Sunny San Diego! On the beach:

Checking out the sea weed:

Dipping a toe in the cold water!

Fun at home in the laundry basket:
Hey! Let me outta here!

Ha! I got out and that was FUN!

Camping on the FREEEEEEEEEZZZZING and RAINY Memorial Day Weekend:

At least Levi was warm at night: