Having fun in the bouncy chair...
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Levi's Latest:
Levi had a good time at his first Thanksgiving. We were invited to a friend's house and we took the bouncy chair along to sit him in during the big dinner. He actually slept in it during dinner so it was a nice peaceful meal where Aaron and I could eat a hot meal at the same time. :) Actually, he is getting a little better now. I think the last post embarrassed him a little because he seems to maybe be turning a corner lately. Last night he slept for FIVE hours straight! It was wonderful, but at the same time, I was still wishing for a lot more sleep after waking up at 3:30 am. Fortunately he did sleep another hour to hour-and-a-half a couple more times after that, so all in all we probably got 7 hours of sleep. He is also going a little farther between feedings now, and as long as you keep your foot bouncing his vibrating chair he'll sit and look around for a bit before pitching a little fit. Slowly but surely he's getting better! Here are some of his latest pics...
Having fun in the bouncy chair...

Having fun in the bouncy chair...
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Six Weeks Old
It's hard to believe my little guy is six weeks old already. So far he's a pretty high-maintinance boy. He needs to be held almost all the time, and as soon as I try to lay him down he wakes up and starts squawking all over again. He doesn't want to be in his swing, sling, or bouncy chair. He wants a warm body All The Time. He also doesn't sleep well. (I know, newborns don't sleep well, But...) Even for a newborn he is an exceptionally poor sleeper, with poor eating habits. This guy needs to eat every hour to two hours around the clock. I couldn't believe it when I read he should be sleeping 15 out of 24 hours. He's not even close to that! Can you imagine how exhausted I am? I am actually typing this over his body since he's of course chowing down. I really hope he gets better as he gets a bit older. I'm doing the best job I can possibly do for him though, and I'm proud of myself for that. He sure is loved!
He sure is a cute little guy, huh? Here he is now at six weeks old:

He sure is a cute little guy, huh? Here he is now at six weeks old:

Monday, November 5, 2007
My little boy is getting so big!
Levi went back to the pediatrician today for his one month check up. I can hardly believe he's already a month old. The last four weeks have been both the longest and shortest of my life at the same time.
He was born at 8lbs 7 1/2 ounces and at 20 1/2 inches long. Now four weeks later he's already at 10lbs 4oz, and 22 inches long! I guess his constant nursing has been doing him some good! I knew he was getting bigger because he's outgrown all his newborn clothes and he's into his 0-3 month stuff now. I'm sure it won't be long til he's too big for those too! He graduated to size one diapers for sure now.
While he was at the doctor's today he got a shot. I cried more than he did!!! I never thought it would be so hard to watch my baby cry, (that's what babies do, right?) but like everyone says, it SURE is different when it's your own child. I dread our appointment next month when he gets four shots in the same day! Oh heaven help me!
He was born at 8lbs 7 1/2 ounces and at 20 1/2 inches long. Now four weeks later he's already at 10lbs 4oz, and 22 inches long! I guess his constant nursing has been doing him some good! I knew he was getting bigger because he's outgrown all his newborn clothes and he's into his 0-3 month stuff now. I'm sure it won't be long til he's too big for those too! He graduated to size one diapers for sure now.
While he was at the doctor's today he got a shot. I cried more than he did!!! I never thought it would be so hard to watch my baby cry, (that's what babies do, right?) but like everyone says, it SURE is different when it's your own child. I dread our appointment next month when he gets four shots in the same day! Oh heaven help me!
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