It's hard to believe my little guy is six weeks old already. So far he's a pretty high-maintinance boy. He needs to be held almost all the time, and as soon as I try to lay him down he wakes up and starts squawking all over again. He doesn't want to be in his swing, sling, or bouncy chair. He wants a warm body
All The Time. He also doesn't sleep well. (I know, newborns don't sleep well, But...) Even for a newborn he is an exceptionally poor sleeper, with poor eating habits. This guy needs to eat every hour to two hours around the clock. I couldn't believe it when I read he should be sleeping 15 out of 24 hours. He's not even close to that! Can you imagine how exhausted I am? I am actually typing this over his body since he's of course chowing down. I really hope he gets better as he gets a bit older. I'm doing the best job I can possibly do for him though, and I'm proud of myself for that. He sure is loved!
He sure is a cute little guy, huh? Here he is now at six weeks old:

1 comment:
soooooooooooooooooo cute!
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