Monday, January 21, 2008

What's new with Levi:

Time keeps flying as usual and I haven't taken many pictures since coming back from vacation in Nebraska. Mr. Levi is getting along well and growing so fast! He is already starting to outgrow his 6 month outfits and I can't believe it! Our friends have an 8 month old who is so petite she's still in her 3 month stuff, and meanwhile Levi is 3 months and wearing 6-9 month stuff!

Lately he has been practicing rolling over (with my help) and he's getting better at it everyday. He doesn't care to be on his tummy much. He wants to be held and shown new things all the time. He loves to watch football (or at least the flashing lights of the TV) and today he grabbed onto his toes for the first time instead of just staring at them moving. His favorite toys are still the cow that hangs from his car seat and the lion that hangs from his bouncy chair. He will stare and laugh at them long enough for me to eat anyway. He's also grabbing the toys that hang from his activity gym mat and loves to hear them crunch and crackle with the matierial they're made of. He still won't let me set him in the swing though. Too boring for this little Einstein.

He is still eating all the time. It's about every 2 to 2 1/2 hours, but as long as he's healthy I don't mind feeding that often. Sleeping is still an issue as he can't sleep alone more than 25 minutes or so unless he's in the car or the stroller. He does well sleeping at night as long as he's in my bed, but if he doesn't have a warm body to bury his face into he can't stay asleep very long. Sometimes it is frustrating and exhausting but I try to remind myself to count my blessings and remember that he's only little for a short time.

I'll try to get some new pictures up by the next post.

What's new with me is not a whole lot other than loving being a mom. I went to a new mommies group last week and that was okay. It's nice to hear others are going through sleep issues. We had some weekend company all weekend and this weekend we're going to have a BBQ for our old Bible study group so that should be fun.

For now I'm off to bed!

1 comment:

Amy Kopecky said...

wish we could join you for the bbq! sounds fun. it sounds like you're a great mom, jessie. levi will thank you one day :)