Wednesday, October 15, 2008


My itty-bitty baby has somehow turned into a toddler in what seems like overnight! The week leading up to his birthday I was a puddle of tears. Through all the endless sleepless nights and the fussiness in his early months I'm suddenly longing for him to be small and wrinkled again. He is such a big boy now. He is a great eater, a very happy boy and loves to get into absolutely everything imaginable. One of his favorite things to do is pull trash out of the garbage can and then put toys in it. He also loves to crawl into the dishwasher if the door opens for more than 1.5 seconds. He is sooooo much fun though. He is the biggest clown. He loves to play peek-a-boo and try to jump out and scare you from behind a door or corner. He certainly is his daddy's boy, and when you see all the animated facial expressions he makes you can see a carbon copy of Aaron.

We went to the Pumpkin Patch for Levi's 1st Birthday:
We picked out a ghostly-white pumpkin:

C'mere, Goat!

Mmmm, good birthday cake!

Loves that dishwasher! He only unloads onto the floor so far:

1 comment:

Ann Marie said...

I can't believe your little Levi is one already! They grow up way too fast. My babies are just turning 4 and 2 and I wonder where the years have gone! Time for another one Jessie and Aaron :)