Friday, November 7, 2008

Ugh! Sometimes I hate blogger!

Aaron's 31st birthday - Blowing out the candles on his Mississippi Mud:
We went to Lake Tahoe for Aaron's birthday:
I love to get dirty! Like my mustache?
Trying out the timed photo option. See the kayak? :

It's Halloween!
Someone spilled the candy, Mom!
Levi is a holstein for Halloween and so is his friend, Brynn!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


My itty-bitty baby has somehow turned into a toddler in what seems like overnight! The week leading up to his birthday I was a puddle of tears. Through all the endless sleepless nights and the fussiness in his early months I'm suddenly longing for him to be small and wrinkled again. He is such a big boy now. He is a great eater, a very happy boy and loves to get into absolutely everything imaginable. One of his favorite things to do is pull trash out of the garbage can and then put toys in it. He also loves to crawl into the dishwasher if the door opens for more than 1.5 seconds. He is sooooo much fun though. He is the biggest clown. He loves to play peek-a-boo and try to jump out and scare you from behind a door or corner. He certainly is his daddy's boy, and when you see all the animated facial expressions he makes you can see a carbon copy of Aaron.

We went to the Pumpkin Patch for Levi's 1st Birthday:
We picked out a ghostly-white pumpkin:

C'mere, Goat!

Mmmm, good birthday cake!

Loves that dishwasher! He only unloads onto the floor so far:

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Nebraska In July

Levi had a GREAT time in Nebraska. He stayed for 3 1/2 weeks between his two Grandparents' houses! He had lots and lots of fun with his cousin Mani and was the Ring Bearer in Uncle Nate's wedding. Here are just a few of the pictures I've finally got rounded up. I'm still working on getting the rest uploaded and I've got to get the wedding pictures from Aunt Nikki.

Levi loves to swing outside:
Levi likes the toys at Grandma's:
I like to brush my teeth:

Grandma Nancy with Mani and Levi:

Mani eats her lunch in "Vee-Vee's" chair:
Dirt is more fun than toys:

Friday, August 29, 2008

Child Prodigy

...and he never had a single lesson! Carnegie Hall - Here We Come!

Yes, the light is dim, but he likes his mood lighting to fuel his creative genius!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

What's New:

We've been having some fun and been away from home quite a bit this month. We just got back from San Diego where Aaron ran his marathon (26.2 miles!) and he did soooooo awesome. We were so proud of him and he even finished a half hour BEFORE I expected him to cross the finish line. He never even walked! I am still amazed at how hard he worked and how fun it was for him.
While we were in San Diego we got to stay with cousin Tara and have a little fun at the beach and seeing her helicopters and the flight simulator at Camp Pendleton.

A week before we went to California we took the long Memorial Weekend and went camping but it was cold and rained almost the whole time, so we didnt get much for pictures then.

Here's the family after Aaron's big finish from the marathon. Our shirts say "Team Lanka":

Sunny San Diego! On the beach:
Checking out the sea weed:
Dipping a toe in the cold water!
Fun at home in the laundry basket:
Hey! Let me outta here!
Ha! I got out and that was FUN!
Camping on the FREEEEEEEEEZZZZING and RAINY Memorial Day Weekend:
At least Levi was warm at night:

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Hey girls! Guess what, New Kids On The Block are making a COMEBACK!

Here's a clip of them on the Today Show this week:

Think I'm Crazy??? ...

...Okay, when I first saw that New Kids On The Block were getting back together, I thought "ummm, what?!?...why?" but it piqued my interest because in 1990 I was IN LOVE in NKOTB, and especially with Jordan Knight:
...whom I had a poster of by my bed ...and I was pretty sure we'd be getting married someday once he knew where I was. (Good thing Aaron swooped in during the NKOTB 15 year hiatus! )

This week the Today Show also featured the NKOTB's new song "Summertime" (Click here to hear the new song: ) and I have to admit, watching them again brought me back to when I would sit in our basement in West Point with my hair in a side ponytail, wearing my acid-washed jean shorts and hypercolor t-shirt and watch their concert over and over and over again on my VCR.

Ahhhhh those were the days!


Kirk, if you are seeing this, please know that until I met my husband in January of 2000 my heart truly belonged to you:

Friday, May 2, 2008

Levi is crawling!

Here's my little Levi crawling already. He started up a couple of weeks ago, and now he's off! He is already crawling into the kitchen and trying to climb up the chair rails. I am in big trouble soon, but right now he doesn't go too far and entertains himself quite well by going to new places on his own. I took this video with my phone, so the quality is poor, but it's fun to watch his determination. He is eating solid foods more and more and he is SOOOO much fun now. He's very sociable and loves to get tossed in the air and swung around and upside-down. He's going to be a little daredevil like his daddy I think. YIKES! He's seven months old next week too!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Jake Lake 2008

5 Month Picture Slide Show

Here is a little montage of Levi during his 5th month. I don't have all my pictures uploaded yet and we have 6 month pictures now which I'll have to do when Levi and I get back from "Jake Lake" or as I call it "the Lanka Womens' Retreat." We'll be there Thursday through Monday and I am very excited to go to Oklahoma on the lake for it. THANKS, MARLA!

Friday, March 28, 2008


My baby is now a little boy. We have two teeth! He got his first toothbrush from cousin Emanuell for Easter and he was so excited he pushed up two bottom teeth!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Happy Easter!

Here's Mr. Levi posing for his Easter pictures! He is 5 months old now and getting bigger everyday. He is starting to sit by himself now, and almost every time we lay him on his back on the floor he rolls over onto his tummy, but even though he does pushups he can't figure out how to roll from his tummy to his back and gets very upset if you don't come to his rescue. Sleeping is still a big issue with him and I am looking over some other ways to get him to sleep because he still sleeps like a newborn and I am sooooo exhausted!

Grandma and Grandpa Weber are coming to see us for a long weekend over Easter and we are really looking forward to seeing them this week!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

"Hi" from Levi

Levi says "Hi"!

Levi went to the doctor last week and weighed in at 17lbs, 7 1/2oz. He's 26 inches tall. :) He has grown out of every last 6 month sized outfit and into his 9 month stuff only now.

He's still not sleeping well but he's a lot more fun during the day and will even entertain himself for a few minutes more. Today he let me put him in his swing! Granted, he was pretty much still sleeping, but at least he stayed in there while I made supper! He is also having some fun in his exersaucer.

Here are more pictures of him:

At his 1st basketball game @ UNR. He lasted about 5 minutes. It was soooooo LOUD! :
On his first hikes while Grandma Lanka came to visit:

Standing in front of an old mine:
We made it back up to the top!
Posing in his camo:

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Levi is 4 months old!

Here's the big guy at four months! Last weekend (on Feb 2nd) Levi rolled over! He went from back to front and I was so excited and proud of him I cried! What am I going to do when he goes to Kindergarten?!? He is also talking a lot more now and getting a pretty good chuckle going when you tickle his belly. He's putting everything he can into his mouth and he's got a death-grip especially when it comes to pulling my hair. He also loves to grab his toes and play with his feet but he isn't pulling his toes into his mouth yet. He thinks it's pretty funny when I shove his toes the rest of the way to his mouth though! I take him to the gym a few days a week and that was his first time being watched by strangers. I had a MUCH harder time with that than he did of course. He usually will fall asleep for her, but of course not for mom! He's still a terrible sleeper, but fortunately he's quite a good little boy considering how little good sleep he gets. He's such a light sleeper!

This week we're getting ready for Grandma Lanka to come out for a nice long weekend!